Tuesday 22 May 2007

Jim Morrison ~ His Astrological Chart.

Click on the chart to make it larger.

Jim Morrison was a Sagittarius, and in the Chinese Zodiac he was a Goat. Philosophical and creative, fiery yet laid back. A bit of a mixture really. All the right ingredients to make an amazing and interesting person, which he was. But, Goats are not that keen on attention and limelight. Most Sagittarians ofcourse crave it, thus leaving us with a person who is in constant battle whether to run and hide away from the glare of fame and fortune or nose dive straight into it and lap it up. Jim seemed to do both. Often.

Goats are floaty creative souls who would prefer never to work but still have a good flow of money coming in, so as to keep the many books and other materialistic supplies rolling in. So Jim living on a roof top taking copius ammounts of drugs and writing poetry and lyrics surrounded by books is about right really!!

The people who live under the sign of the Goat crave security. They need a place to call home. They need a familiar face and somewhere to curl up and disolve into, forgetting the trials of the world they leave behind outside. Unfortunatly, the Sagittariun craves adventure so the poor Goat is pulled from his sanctuary and thrust into some "exciting" new experience! great! burn out time.

As for members of the opposite sex, let's just say there are plenty of those also and the want for more is well, greedy quite frankly!

Pamela Courson, the steady constant in Jim's life. Not that their relationship was constant ofcourse, but her presence was. Anyone else (in my opinion) was simply an outlet for his need to be loved and looked after and made to feel like a king, albeit a reptilian one. Not to mention way too sexy for his own good! (my own opinion again, but one I know is shared by millions).

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